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The detoxification system refers to the body’s pathways for eliminating harmful toxins such as mercury, various chemicals and the products that result from the breakdown of alcohol or medications. Our modern world is creating a level of chemical and heavy metal exposure that is taxing our detoxification system.


Your liver is at the center of your body’s detoxification system. The liver is an amazing organ, responsible for filtering toxins out of your blood. Our bodies must handle and process toxins from many sources.


One major source of toxic exposure is through the digestive tract.


High fat diets, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, artificial sweetener consumption and the use of medications contribute to the total burden placed on the liver.


Hormones and antibiotics fed to animals, preservatives and dyes used in foods you eat can all cause serious symptoms and side effects. Heavy metal toxicity from dental fillings, contaminated food and water, and other environmental exposure also add to the total toxic load on the body.


In addition, everything you apply to your skin or expose yourself to in your environment must pass through your liver, where it is must be neutralized and excreted.


An overworked liver can become clogged, causing toxins to back up and recirculate into the bloodstream. Inadequate detoxification leads to allergies, asthma, joint pain, skin problems, headaches, inability to concentrate, and alcohol intolerance.


Inadequate detoxification leads to accelerated aging and promotes the onset of degenerative diseases. Despite all the work it has to do everyday, the liver has an amazing ability to regenerate.


Three body systems -- hormonal, digestive & detoxification -- interact with one another. For example, if you eat a food you are reactive to it will cause inflammation in the GI tract which impacts normal digestion and absorption of nutrients.


The inflammation generates a hormonal response and as the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol rises, immune function lowers and your sex hormone levels drop. All this can happen simply because you had a pancake breakfast and a large glass of orange juice -- a carbohydrate heavy, low nutrient & for some, inflammatory meal!


The fourth major body system is based on both anti-oxidant protection and liver detoxification. These body functions are the physiological mechanisms that protect you from free radical damage and chemical toxicity.

Liquid Ripples

3-Week Reset

An annual practice of cleansing can heal and prevent future health crisis by eliminating accumulated toxic burdens. Dr. Rooks' preferred 21-day body and liver detoxification protocol is easy and's a great place to begin!


Our patients report benefits such as:


  • increased energy

  • better sleep

  • improved gut function

  • decreased/eliminated body aches and pains, food cravings and poor food choices


Your cleanse kit will include:


  • Chocolate and vanilla multi-mineral powders to help gently mobilize toxins

  • Pre-portioned supplements to support phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification

  • Clear instructions for which foods to have, and which to avoid during your cleanse. You will be nutrifying your body, not starving it!

  • If you have questions, please reach out to the office for support

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